In this tutorial we’ll install the Debian Linux 9 (squeeze), Apache 2 with mpm-itk (to run each web as a isolated user), PHP 7 support and MySql 5.7 database server. Additionally the tutorial covers installation of the vsftp server to provide FTP service, setting up letsencrypt and requesting a free certificate, installation of [...]
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We’ll use the certbot to handle the verification and deployment, so the first step is to install certbot. 1. Add the jessie backports apt repository (not needed when running Debian Linux 9, stretch) echo "deb jessie-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update 2. Install certbot For [...]
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Zend Guard Loader is a free runtime application that enables PHP to run the scripts encoded by Zend Guard. 1. Download a copy of Zend Guard Loader from the location below and upload to your server. By default PHP 5.4 is installed on wheezy so select the package Zend Guard Loader (Runtime for PHP 5.4). [...]
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If you already have a central directory of users installed (AD or LDAP) you can configure most applications to use that directory instead of a local database for each application and make the user management much easier. Apache supports that so here are instructions on how to password protect a site or location using LDAP directory. In [...]
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Here’s a basic guide on how to get Apache2, PHP5 and MySql working on most Debian based distros in a few easy steps. 1. Install Apache2 and PHP5 (as an Apache module) apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql
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Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Trac allows wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages, creating links and seamless references between bugs, tasks, changesets, files and wiki pages. A timeline shows [...]
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eAccelerator is a free open-source PHP accelerator & optimizer. It increases the performance of PHP scripts by caching them in their compiled state, so that the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also optimizes scripts to speed up their execution. eAccelerator typically reduces server load and increases the [...]
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apache2-mpm-itk is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache web server. mpm-itk allows you to run each of your vhost under a separate uid and gid — in short, the scripts and configuration files for one vhost no longer have to be readable for all the other vhosts. 1. Install the apache2-mpm-itk package apt-get install [...]
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mod_auth_openid is an authentication module for the Apache 2 webserver. It handles the functions of an OpenID consumer as specified in the OpenID 2.0 specification. After a user authenticates themselves, the user’s identity will be available in the REMOTE_USER variable. A cookie named open_id_session_id is saved to maintain each [...]
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mod_spamhaus is an Apache module for DNS Block Listing that protects web services by denying access to particular IP addresses. It can stop spam relaying via web form URL injection, and block HTTP DDoS attacks from bot-nets. It queries, taking advantage of the Spamhaus Block List (SBL) and the Exploits Block List [...]
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