In this tutorial we’ll install the Debian Linux 9 (squeeze), Apache 2 with mpm-itk (to run each web as a isolated user),...
How to compile and install latest version of Nginx (1.6) from source with PageSpeed module (ngx_pagespeed)
PageSpeed (ngx_pagespeed) is a Nginx module created by Google to help Make the Web Faster by rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth.
The version included with Debian Wheezy is 1.2 which is getting pretty old. Here’s how to install the latest stable version of Nginx with the PageSpeed module.
This tutorial is tested on Debian 7.x (wheezy) but may work with other versions.
1. Install required packages
apt-get install dpkg-dev build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev git
2. Add the Nginx apt repository to apt sources
echo "deb wheezy nginx
deb-src wheezy nginx" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
3. Download and install the Nginx public key
cat nginx_signing.key | apt-key add -
4. Update apt
apt-get update
5. Download Nginx source
cd /usr/src
apt-get source nginx
6. Install Nginx dependencies
apt-get build-dep nginx
7. Clone the PageSpeed git repository
git clone git://
8. Download and extract PSOL (PageSpeed Optimization Libraries)
cd ngx_pagespeed
tar zxvf
9. Enter the Nginx source directory (The version number may be different on your system)
cd ../nginx-1.6.2
10. Modify the make rules for Nginx (pico debian/rules)
Add this line to the configuration file:
--add-module=/usr/src/ngx_pagespeed \
right after this line (in 2 places):
So that it looks like this:
--add-module=/usr/src/ngx_pagespeed \
11. Compile and create a deb package
dpkg-buildpackage -b
12. Install Nginx (The version number may be different on your system)
cd .. && dpkg -i nginx_1.6.2-1~wheezy_amd64.deb
13. Create PageSpeed cache folder
mkdir /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache
chown nginx.nginx /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache
14. Enable PageSpeed by adding these lines to http {} in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or a virtual host
pagespeed on;
pagespeed FileCachePath /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache;
15. Restart Nginx
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
16. Check if PageSpeed is enabled
wget -O - -o /dev/null --save-headers
Replace with the hostname where you enabled pagespeed
The output should be similar to this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 22:57:28 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache
If you see a X-Page-Speed property in the header, PageSpeed is enabled.
17. Configure PageSpeed to fit your needs.
A list of available PageSpeed filters is available here:
hello, I have a problem when following the above guidelines, Can you help to solve it
Thxroot@xxxx:/usr/src/nginx-1.6.2/debian# dpkg-buildpackage -b
tail: cannot open `debian/changelog’ for reading: No such file or directory
dpkg-buildpackage: error: tail of debian/changelog gave error exit status 1
hi wike,
so you ran ‘dpkg-buildpackage -b’ command and your prompt was reading root@xxxx:/usr/src/nginx-1.6.2/debian#
try using this command
root@xxxx:/usr/src/nginx-1.6.2/debian# cd .. && dpkg-buildpackage -b
your prompt will then be
then run this command
root@xxxx:/usr/src/nginx-1.6.2# dpkg -i nginx_1.6.2-1~wheezy_amd64.deb
this should do it