


Installing the DSPAM web frontend on lenny

This tutorial covers installing and configuring the DSPAM web frontend. Using the web frontend, the mail users can configure the sensitivity of the spam filter, see statistics and more. I assume you already have the Apache2 web server and DSPAM daemon installed. 1. Install the dspam-webfrontend package and suexec module for the Apache2 [...]

Ástþór IPÁstþór IP

Installing ionCube

ionCube protects software written using the PHP programming language from being viewed, changed, and run on unlicensed computers. 1. Download ionCube loaders wget

Ástþór IPÁstþór IP

Setup Trac and Subversion

Setup Trac and Subversion First install packages for both Trac and Subversion. We’ll be using Apache to publish the Subversion repositories apt-get install python-setuptools trac subversion libapache2-svn Create the SVN repository directory structure, used to create new repositories later mkdir /var/svn/ mkdir /var/svn/tmpproject [...]
